The 290 that make up the essential word lists are used most often when we write. Together they make up about 75% of most writing, so they are very important. These words have been arranged in alphabetical order and put in lists according to how often they are used. Because these words are used so often, it is very important that we learn to spell each one.
Level 1 (Year 1/2):
Students who are spelling proficiently at level 1 will be able to spell some high frequency words (Lists 1-3) correctly.
For Experts:
LOOK at the word you want to learn, and I mean really look. Which bits of the spelling are easy and which are not so obvious? Mark the 'hard spots', that is the difficult part of the word, using a different colour pen. Is the word similar in spelling to another word that has a related meaning? Can you break it into parts? Have a really good look and think about the spelling until you think you can spell it.
SAY the word, while looking at it. Is the spelling a reflection of the sound? If not what is different?
COVER the word with your hand or a piece of paper. Close your eyes and try to 'see' the word in your head.
WRITE it, this may be in chalk, in rainbow writing or in magazine letters.
CHECK your spelling by uncovering the word and comparing it with your spelling. Check it letter by letter. If it's wrong, start again; if it's right, celebrate how clever you are.
LOOK at the word you want to learn, and I mean really look. Which bits of the spelling are easy and which are not so obvious? Mark the 'hard spots', that is the difficult part of the word, using a different colour pen. Is the word similar in spelling to another word that has a related meaning? Can you break it into parts? Have a really good look and think about the spelling until you think you can spell it.
SAY the word, while looking at it. Is the spelling a reflection of the sound? If not what is different?
COVER the word with your hand or a piece of paper. Close your eyes and try to 'see' the word in your head.
WRITE it, this may be in chalk, in rainbow writing or in magazine letters.
CHECK your spelling by uncovering the word and comparing it with your spelling. Check it letter by letter. If it's wrong, start again; if it's right, celebrate how clever you are.
If you've ever wondered how you can help your child with their maths – this is it! Below you will find web links you can use with your child to help them practice their Numeracy knowledge.
You can further support your child's success in achieving their Numeracy goals by:
* being positive and enthusiastic about mathematics yourself;
* asking questions about what your child is doing in Maths;
* getting your child to show you how to solve Maths problems;
* showing your child how you solve Maths problems;
* valuing their ideas especially if they differ from yours;
* encouraging and praising their efforts;
* making Maths learning FUN!
Numeracy Stage 0 Online Game Links
Below are some web links to help your child practice the Stage 0 knowledge. Hold down ctrl and click with the mouse to open the links.
Online Activities | |
Identify all the numbers from 0 - 10 | The Number Game Find the Number Magician Show (search 'Magical Numbers') Number Memory |
Count forwards and backwards from 0 - 10 | Hungry Caterpillar Shoot the Duck Tamba's Abacus Kids on the Bus Count us in Counting to 10 |
Say the number after numbers 0 - 10 | Gingerbread Man Fishy Count Nutty Numbers |
Say the number before numbers 0 - 10 | Counting Down |
Order numbers from 0 - 10 | Ordering Game - Click on 'Ascending to 10' or 'Descending to 10' |
Instantly recognises patterns to five | Fishy Count Count us in Using Fingers |
Numeracy Stages 1 - 2 Online Game Links
Below are some web links to help your child practice the Stages 1 -2 knowledge. Hold down ctrl and click with the mouse to open the links.
Online Activities | ||||||||||||||||||
Identify all the numbers from 0 - 20 | Rainbow Corner 11-20 You Tube Video 1 -20 You Tube Video Numbers to 20 - Click on 2 Digit Number Labelling | |||||||||||||||||
Count forwards and backwards from 0 - 20 | Whack a Mole The Counting Game | |||||||||||||||||
Say the number before and after numbers 0 - 20 | Before, After and in Between | |||||||||||||||||
Order numbers from 0 - 20 | Nutty Numbers Stacker Ordering Game Number Track - click on Number Track Game | |||||||||||||||||
Know groupings within 5 (eg 2 + 3) | Number Bonds Using Fingers | |||||||||||||||||
Instantly recalls Addition and Subtraction facts to five | Addition with Pictures Add Numbers to 5 Subtraction with Pictures Subtraction up to 5 Bean Addition Make Five Under the Box | |||||||||||||||||
Uses pictures and diagrams to show results of counting sets
Numeracy Stages 2 - 3 Online Game Links
Below are some web links to help your child practice the Stages 2 - 3 knowledge. Hold down ctrl and click with the mouse to open the links.
BASIC FACTS (click to enlarge)
Children learn to read by reading books, having books read to them, listening to stories and
seeing you read. Increased ability in reading helps your child access all other areas of the curriculum.
If you want to get better at something, you must keep practicing!
Time spent sharing the books that children take home will make a big difference to their reading and learning across the curriculum.
- Read your child’s book and talk to them about their reading.
- Read with your child every day and encourage them to read with you and on their own.
- Take your child to the library – look for ‘Top 100’ best seller lists in bookshops to find popular books and authors to read.
- Find key words in texts.
- Encourage your child to read the newspaper to find information for you.
- Seize opportunities. If your child gets excited about a topic, find books about it together.
- Set up a reading area in your home.
- Have a book shelf and keep books that interest your child in places where they can easily reach them.
- As they become better readers, add harder books to your collection.
- Ask your child to describe events in their lives. Talking about their experiences makes children think
about them. Giving detailed descriptions and telling complete stories also helps children learn about
how stories are written and what the stories they read mean.
- Restrict the amount and kind of TV your child watches at home. An idea is to have a ‘TV free day/s’. Let
your child choose the time.
- Watch educational TV programs with your children.
- Use words at home, talk about things you do, see, attend and ask your child to talk about their ideas.
Encourage their IDEAS.
- Model reading to your child by reading books.
- Listen to audio books.
- Read e-books.
For printable practice try here:
For online practice try here: learn-to-write-alphabet/
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